10/21/12 16:13
IMRO and Ataka search for Roma persons accused of profanation of Levski and Simeon

The nationalists rebelled against the three students from the minority who took pictures in indecent poses with portraits of Vasil Levski and the Bulgarian Tsars Simeon the Great and Boris I. The photo was released a few days ago in a Facebook profile, which gave rise to a spirit of discontent in the social network and sparked a wave of angry comments and sharp threats against the swarthy jokers.
IMRO requested a meeting with the director of the professional school of transport in Dobrich in order to establish the identities of the Roma. Ataka has even approached the Attorney General for hooliganism and the incitement of religious hatred.
Kostadin Kostadinov - Deputy Chairman of IMRO and leader of the party in the Northeast region - has sent a letter to Education Minister Sergei Ignatov, asking for an investigation of the scandal and the punishment of those responsible. IMRO will talk to decision-makers in order to identify what measures can be taken against the Roma.
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Публикувана на 10/21/12 16:13 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/213875_IMRO+and+Ataka+search+for+Roma+persons+accused+of+profanation+of+Levski+and+Simeon
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