11/25/12 16:37
Deposits increase by 9%, credits go down on an annual basis
At the same time, deposits of households totaled BGN 33.359 bn (43.1% of GDP), having increased by 12.7%, compared to October 2011.
Deposits of non-financial enterprises stood at BGN 14.197 bn (18.4% of GDP) at the end of October 2012, reporting an increase of 3.9% on an annual basis. Meanwhile, deposits of financial corporations decreased by 1.7% year-on-year.
The credits of the non-government sector amounted to BGN 54.319 bn (70.2% of GDP), registering an annual growth of 3.3%. Loans to non-financial corporations increased by 5.8% year-on-year and stood at BGN 34.679 bn at the end of October, while loans to households totaled BGN 18.655 bn, having decreased by 1.7%, compared to the same month of 2011.
The share of net non-performing loans overdue for more than 90 days was 11.60%, BNB data showed.
At the end of September, the gross external debt stood at €36,528.5 mln (92.4% of GDP), or €683 mln (1.9%) up from the end of 2011 and €125.4 mln (0.3%) up from the end of September 2011 (€36,403.1 mln). Long-term liabilities amounted to €27,028.9 mln at the end of September 2012, while short-term debts stood at €9,499.6 mln.
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Публикувана на 11/25/12 16:37 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/216941_Deposits+increase+by+9%25%2C+credits+go+down+on+an+annual+basis
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