11/25/12 16:05
We build 60% of highways and railways with European money
Over 60% of the current investments in the infrastructure sector in the country come from European funds. Some €700 mln of these EU funds will be spent on the completion of the construction of the Struma Highway in its part at the Kresna Gorge. Another €700 mln will go for the section that connects September and Dragoman. The remaining funds will be allocated to the completion of the construction of the Hemus Highway - from Veliko Tarnovo to Sofia and for the subway in Sofia - the section connecting the centre and the northern part of the city. This was announced by Transport Minister Ivailo Moskovski for Darik Radio. According to him, however, their funding from Europe is far from certain after the failure of the summit on the EU budget only a day ago. EU leaders discontinued the two-day talks until the new meeting intended to identify what their future steps will be. Most of them requested an increase in funding, but others opposed it. The new summit for the next programming period 2014 - 2020 will be convened as early as February 2013, according to projections by Eurogroup President and Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker. Moskovski expressed his opinion that Bulgaria has the right to be part of Europe's cohesion policy on the grounds that it seeks precisely an equalisation of standards between poorer and richer countries. According to Moskovski, Bulgaria hopes to get over €2 bn in EU money for the next programming period 2014-2020, and their absorption has already been planned and precisely allocated to infrastructure projects.Прочети цялата новина
Публикувана на 11/25/12 16:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/216938_We+build+60%25+of+highways+and+railways+with+European+money
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