11/27/12 17:08
Andrey Ivanov resigns as Sofia Region coordinator for GERB
In his letter, which was distributed to the media, Ivanov says that, during the last two years, his name has been used in a negative context, and he wants to avoid the spreading of this tendency to his party. Ivanov said that the attack against him was backed by "unhealthy political interests of people and parties affected by his activity as President of SMC and GERB Coordinator for Sofia Region." In his letter, Ivanov thanks all the people he has worked with over the years. At its next meeting, GERB's Executive Committee will discuss proposals for a new Regional Coordinator for the party in Sofia.
Early this year, Ivanov resigned as Chairman of the Municipal Council. The reason: in 2010 his name was involved in a real estate scandal. OLJ accused him of acquiring 52 pieces of real estate worth BGN 10 mln. NRA's inspection did not show any discrepancies in his assets, but there were other allegations of irregularities around these. After this case, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said in person: "From the tallest tower in GERB, I can see that tension is being created around SMC President's position. Obviously, Andrey Ivanov is failing to respond to rumours, whether true or not, he is failing to defend himself."
Ivanov's name is associated with yet another scandal instigated by BSP. In April this year, some information was released that Andrei Ivanov's son, Branimir Mirchev, borrowed BGN 5.93 mln from the Municipal Bank through the company 96 Agrogrup Ltd. The same loan had already been denied to the previous owners of the company. BSP accused Ivanov of a conflict of interests, which the Conflict of Interests Committee denied, though.
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Публикувана на 11/27/12 17:08 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/217158_Andrey+Ivanov+resigns+as+Sofia+Region+coordinator+for+GERB
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