05/11/11 15:15
Sofia Regional Court Does Not Launch Trial against Kurdjali Mayor

proceedings Tuesday on the trial against the Mayor of Kurdzhali
(Southern Bulgaria), Hassan Azis. The reason for that is the
fact that Azis has not received a copy of the indictment within
the time-limit required by law.
Azis is charged with fraud over a project for the so called
Water Mirror in the city. The Water Mirror is a dam lake
intended to prevent floods.
In March 2010 Azis was charged with trying to mislead the then
finance minister Plamen Oresharski and regional development and
public works minister Asen Gagaouzov between January and June
2009 about the value of a land plot which was to be used for the
purposes of the Water Mirror Project. Azis stated that the plot
was worth 8.9 million leva, but its actual price was 846,200
leva. According to the prosecution, the idea was to secure
financial benefit for the local company Oustra Holding.
Also, Sofia Regional Court did not accept the statement of
action of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
as, in its opinion, there are no damaging consequences for the
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Публикувана на 05/11/11 15:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/168193_Sofia+Regional+Court+Does+Not+Launch+Trial+against+Kurdjali+Mayor
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