11/27/12 16:19
Trips of Bulgarians abroad down by 4.9% on an annual basis
A decrease in the number of Bulgarians’ trips, compared to the same month of last year, was registered in terms of trips to Serbia (29.3%), Turkey (28%), Macedonia (26.4%) and Romania (19.3%). Meanwhile, the number of trips to Austria increased by 108.6%, those to the UK - by 103.9%, to Italy - by 97.3% and to Spain - by 56.9%.
The largest share in the total number of Bulgarian residents’ trips abroad was accounted for by trips for other purposes (staying as guests, education, attending cultural and sports events, etc.) - 47.2%, followed by visits abroad for holidays and tours - 29.3%, and business trips - 23.5%. An increase on an annual basis was reported in the number of holidays and tours and trips for other purposes - by 46.6% and 73.1%, respectively, while a decrease was registered in the number of business trips - by 59.3%.
In October 2012, some 63.9% of the trips to the UK were for other purposes, as well as 58.3% of those to Germany and 53.7% of those to Greece. The majority of trips to Spain and Turkey were for holidays or tours - 52.6% and 42.1%, respectively, while 66.7% of the trips to Belgium and 50% of those to France were business trips.
In October 2012, foreigners’ visits to Bulgaria totaled 524,000, or 51.6% less than the previous month and 3% more than a year ago. An increase was registered in the visits of citizens from France - 9.0%, Greece - 8.1%, Austria - 6.4%, and the UK - 6.0%. At the same time, visits of Romanian citizens dropped by 5.9% and those of Italians - by 3.3%.
Visits of citizens from the group of ‘other European countries’ rose by 8.5%, the greatest increase being in trips of Russian and Turkish citizens – 41.8% and 19.5%, respectively.
In October 2012, the predominant share of visits to Bulgaria were for other purposes (including staying as guests and transit trips) - 42.4%, followed by those for vacation and tours - 39.3%, and business trips - 18.3%.
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Публикувана на 11/27/12 16:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/217153_Trips+of+Bulgarians+abroad+down+by+4.9%25+on+an+annual+basis
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