12/02/12 18:02
Bozhidar Dimitrov: 15,000 people received Bulgarian citizenship in 2012
Dimitrov, Director of the National Historical Museum and former minister responsible for Bulgarians abroad, said that 14,979 people have been given Bulgarian citizenship in 2010, another 18,000 in 2011 and nearly 15,000 in 2012.
"According to the Eurostat statement, in 2009, some 9,200 people received citizenship, and only 900 in 2010, which is a drop of 8,300. This is completely untrue and I don't understand how Eurostat could have estimated these figures. After the 2010 legislative efforts, making it a lot easier for so-called outside Bulgarians to receive citizenship, 14,979 people have been granted citizenship. This is an increase of almost 6,000 people," Dimitrov said.
The next year the number grew to 18,000 and the interest isn't wavering in 2012. A few days ago, the President's Office announced that about 15,000 people have received Bulgarian citizenship in 2012 so far. "It is unbelievable how they could get the information so wrong, reducing the actual number of citizenship granted by 90% for 2010," added Dimitrov.
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Публикувана на 12/02/12 18:02 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/217557_Bozhidar+Dimitrov%3A+15%2C000+people+received+Bulgarian+citizenship+in+2012+
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