01/29/12 18:23
General Angel Marin denies behind-the-scene reprieves

General Marin gave this interview in connection with the scandal regarding the presidential pardons, provoked by Yane Yanev. It became clear that the former vice president had granted a pardon to 533 criminals. Later on, the degree of tension increased as incumbent Vice President Margarita Popova said she could not find a presidential decree by Georgi Parvanov, empowering General Marin with the above-mentioned rights during his second mandate. In response to the question why he had granted a pardon to hundreds of criminals, General Marin asked a counter question: “What is the normal number of pardons for 10 years? How many people should be granted a pardon and can others than criminals get a reprieve?” General Marin also explained that, out of the 533 pardoned criminals, only 93 had been released from prison, as their sentences were towards their end.
General Marin flatly denied any suggestions that the act of clemency could be turned into a shady business. “There is no trading, no business. The granting of a pardon is a procedure involving so many people that there cannot be anything behind the scenes, remain hidden or covered,” assured the former vice president and asked in turn: “Can you imagine that anything can remain hidden, considering that this procedure is open to the public?”
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Публикувана на 01/29/12 18:23 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/193860_General+Angel+Marin+denies+behind-the-scene+reprieves
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