12/14/12 15:31
NSI: Daily consumption of water is 100 litres per capita
The average daily consumption of water in Bulgaria is 100 litres per capita. Urban households consume 103 litres/day per capita on average, while those in rural areas - 10 litres less, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) announced on Friday.According to NSI’s data, the water and sewage sector has reduced water losses, including water leakages, not permitted consumption, incorrect measurement, etc.. However, total losses amount to 564,000,000 m3, which is about 77% of the level in 2000. Despite the reduction in losses in 2011, these accounted for 64% of the total quantity of supplied water, data showed.
There may be a shortage of water in some regions with insufficient resources, high population density and intensive industrial activities.
The amount of water for irrigation has increased by 14%, compared to the previous year, mainly due to the increase in areas sown under crops needing more irrigation and the demand for water during the drier periods.
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Публикувана на 12/14/12 15:31 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/218884_NSI%3A+Daily+consumption+of+water+is+100+litres+per+capita
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