03/09/11 19:03
A total of 90 tonnes of oil-water mass cleaned up in the town of Balchik

A total of approximately 90 tonnes of oil-water mass were extracted from the basin of the effluent treatment plant (ETP) in the town of Balchik following the accident on March 5, announced the ETP's Director, Kristiana Ivanova yesterday, quoted by BTA (Bulgarian Telegraph Agency). At that time, some blue fuel was released into the sewage system by a local company for vegetable oil production.
Representatives of the UK-based Pure H2O Company, which is the construction supervisor of the ETP, arrived in Balchik to draw out a plan for the full restoration of the wastewater treatment process, said Ivanova. She added that damages were detected in terms of the technical equipment but there was ongoing cleaning up of the surface mass of petroleum products in the so-called organic wastewater treatment section of the plant. It is not yet clear what proportion of the biomass involved in the process of wastewater treatment has been destroyed. It is possible that its restoration might take several months.
According to the recent laboratory tests of the ETP, the purified water was found to contain 13 mg of nitrogen per litre at a permitted limit of 15 mg.
Phosphorus content reached 1.46 mg. per litre at a permitted limit of 2 mg.
Ivanova said that there were no visible oil spills in the waters at the ETP's exit but the results of the comprehensive laboratory tests at RIEW (Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water) Varna are expected on Monday.
The ETP in Balchik is one of the most modern facilities of its type in Bulgaria. It was launched into operation in 2010. It has the capacity for the treatment of 5935 cu m of wastewater per day.
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Публикувана на 03/09/11 19:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/161619_A+total+of+90+tonnes+of+oil-water+mass+cleaned+up+in+the+town+of+Balchik+
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