12/18/12 17:03
The average amount of mortgage credits remains around €30,000
In November, there was a slight increase in borrowed mortgage and consumer loans, compared to the previous month. Due to the relative decrease in the availability of real estate for sale in the lower price segment, there was some increase in the demand for loans. Many people, however, prefer to finance the difference in the price of the property with their own money and savings.
Traditionally, in November again, the highest average size of borrowed loans was in Sofia - €37,700. Meanwhile, the average size of credits in Plovdiv was €21,700, though there was a slight increase, compared to October.
Throughout 2012, the average amount of mortgage loans in Bulgaria is estimated at €30,000 (BGN 60,000), intended for the purchase of flats priced between €35,000 and €70,000. “Housing credits usually mature in 15 to 25 years,” specified Tihomir Toshev, CEO of Credit Center. The percentage of loan financing of the purchase is between 70% and 80% of the real estate’s price.
However, the overall demand for credit was much smaller this autumn, both in size and in number, compared to the 2006-2008 period. The reasons for this are high interest rates, the recession in the Eurozone, low incomes and the volatile real estate market, experts say.
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Публикувана на 12/18/12 17:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/219351_The+average+amount+of+mortgage+credits+remains+around+%E2%82%AC30%2C000
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