09/25/11 16:37
Over one-tenth of Bulgarians make donations

Despite the economic crisis over the recent years, the charitable campaigns have become an increasingly common practice in our country, particularly in the periods around the holidays. The possibility of making donations via SMS messaging seriously facilitates those willing to donate, thus contributing to the attraction of a larger share of Bulgarians to donation initiatives.
As regards the donations made last year, university graduates and Bulgarians aged between 26-40 years of age were some of the most active money donors since more than 15% of the representatives of these groups set aside funds for charitable donations last year.
The average amount per donation was BGN 43, while almost 60% of the donated funds were concentrated in the group of up to BGN 10 per donation (probably they referred mainly to SMS donations with a single text message amounting to around BGN 1-2). Although the average amount of donated funds was not high, the involvement of Bulgarians in charitable causes, even with minimum amounts, is a positive indication that despite the crisis and the stagnation on the labour market, our citizens are willing to take part in solving important social and individual problems.
In fact, Bulgarians between 26-40 years of age and men in general were the most generous donors to charitable causes over the last year. Men gave an average of BGN 80 per donation, while the average amount granted by Bulgarians aged 26-40 years was a bit over BGN 65 per donation, compared to the Bulgaria's average of BGN 43 per donation.
Another positive indication of the level of the charitable activity of the population is its willingness to make donations in the near future. Over a quarter (27%) of the surveyed adult Bulgarians stated that they intended to donate funds to a charitable organization or directly to the needy people. Actually, 30% of women, the young people in age groups 18-25 years (36%), 26-40 years (32%), university graduates (41%) and residents of small towns and district centers showed a substantially higher degree of readiness for giving charitable donations in the short-term.
Bulgarians over 55 years of age, as well as the inhabitants of the villages and residents, were ranked among those less inclined to make donations. Perhaps because of the fact that they can hardly afford to set aside even a small amount of their budget for charitable donations.
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Публикувана на 09/25/11 16:37 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/181656_Over+one-tenth+of+Bulgarians+make+donations+
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