01/07/13 17:14
CPC allows NIS Petrol to acquire eight filling stations in Bulgaria
NIS Petrol is controlled by Naftna Industrija Srbije JSC, operating mainly in Serbia. The company explores for, extracts and refines crude oil and trades in petrol products and natural gas on the wholesale and retail market.
A market research of the retail trade in automotive fuels, conditions of competition, barriers to entry, market position of the participants before and after the concentration, etc. has shown that the deal will have horizontal effects that will not lead to the emergence of a participant with a significant market presence, let alone – with a dominant market position, commented CPC.
The fuel market in Bulgaria is relatively competitive, with a moderate level of concentration and is characterised by a large number of participants - about 3,200 traders, including chains of filling stations with a noticeable market presence and a huge number of independent retailers with small market shares.
According to CPC, the deal will not impede the competition on the respective market segment and should be unconditionally allowed.
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Публикувана на 01/07/13 17:14 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220886_CPC+allows+NIS+Petrol+to+acquire+eight+filling+stations+in+Bulgaria
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