01/08/13 16:08
SEWRC: The merging of water supply and sewerage operators will not cause a price shock
Regarding Sofia Water JSC's claim to increase water prices by about 14%, Semerdzhiev said that this will be allowed in no case, since it is not justified.
"In case water prices are very high price and close to social affordability, relief funds should be provided for water," said Semerdzhiev. There are such relief funds in the energy sector, but not in the water one. According to the Chairman of SEWRC, it is time to consider social benefits for the payment of water bills for the needy in those parts of the country where water prices are very high.
Semerdzhiev commented on MEET's proposal to cease heating for condominium buildings in which more than 50% of customers have not paid their heating bills. This could damage the interests of many loyal customers, he said, explaining that companies with cogeneration offer heating prices which are affordable for people.
Semerdzhiev rejected the Court of Auditors' allegations about discrepancies in his declaration of property and financial state. According to the Court, he did not declare the purchase and sale of a flat of 168 square metres and a parking area of 17 square metres in Nessebar, as well as liabilities to a bank to the amount of €90,000, secured by a legal mortgage on the property in question.
The property was bought in 2011 and sold at the end of the same year, he explained.
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Публикувана на 01/08/13 16:08 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220968_SEWRC%3A+The+merging+of+water+supply+and+sewerage+operators+will+not+cause+a+price+shock
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