05/22/12 19:15
The theft of water supplied to residence blocks ranges between 12 and 18%

The theft of water supplied to residence blocks managed by the condominium association range between 12% and 18%, stated Angel Prestroyski, Chairman of the Union of Water and Sewerage Operators in Bulgaria, at a press conference on the challenges in the sector. There cannot be physical losses in the water distribution system between the general water meter of the building and those at the apartments. These can result only due to fraudulent activity of the subscriber or operator. "Users should understand that they inflict damages not to the water and sewerage operators but to their neighbours," commented Prestroyski. According to him, this problem can be solved through the development of the condominium association.
In Europe, water and sewerage operators do not report individual owners but only the common-holds, explained experts. The proposal of the Union was for the contracted condominium associations to choose who, when and how to read the water meters. This will reduce the operators' costs and increase the quality of the offered service. According to business representatives, there should be an increase in the periods for mandatory inspection of water meters. Currently, the individual devices are inspected every 5 years, while the general ones are checked every 2 years, whereas there was a proposal for an extension of the deadline to 7 and 3 years, respectively. According to the data of the State Agency for Meteorology and Technical Surveillance, around 18% of the inspected water meters showed deviations, while in 80% of the cases, these are to the benefit of the user.
Prestroyski explained that associations should be involved in water pricing. Based on the Union's data, some 80% of the filed subscribers' complaints refer to inaccurate water bills.
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Публикувана на 05/22/12 19:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/204717_The+theft+of+water+supplied+to+residence+blocks+ranges+between+12+and+18%25++
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