01/27/13 16:30
One in four households repair their electrical appliances themselves

Nearly half of Bulgarians (49%) state they repair themselves (personally or another member of their household) minor water and sewage damages, such as flushing cisterns, mixing taps, etc., without calling a skilled professional or a firm specialised in this kind of repairs. Others - a total of 24% - resort to the help of a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a neighbour.
Actually, less than a quarter (24%) of the respondents say they use the services of a specialised firm or a skilled worker in case of minor damages of the water supply and sewage system at home.
A little over a quarter of Bulgarian households can boast of skills and experience in electrical repairs. Some 28% of the respondents in the survey say that when they have problems with the electric cooker, washing machine or another home appliance, they prefer to do the repair themselves, rather than use the services of a specialised firm or a skilled worker. Some 7% of the households have a relative outside the household who usually comes to help when needed for repairs of home appliances and another 14% rely on friends, neighbours or acquaintances who help them for free.
As to the reasons why Bulgarians prefer to “ignore” skilled professionals in domestic repairs, three-quarters of the respondents say that they do it in order to save money. This argument is the strongest among Bulgarians aged 41 to 55, jobless people and villagers.
In addition to the economic motive shared by the majority of the polled Bulgarians, 16% of the respondents say they personally do the repairs at home for no other reason but because they believe they will do their best and the end result will be better than if they call a skilled professional. The share of perfectionists who prefer to do the home repairs themselves is significantly higher among males, those aged between 26 and 40, residents of small towns and higher graduates.
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Публикувана на 01/27/13 16:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/222677_One+in+four+households+repair+their+electrical+appliances+themselves
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