02/05/13 15:11
A boom in land sales in Bulgaria in 2012
Thus, for example, for the period from 2003 to 2012, the country reported 924,000 deals amounting to a total of 9.31 million decares. Thus, the average size of a transaction was about 10 decares. The increase from the previous year was based on this indicator. The average size of a transaction recorded a 10.54 decares increase in 2011, compared to 11.32 decares in 2012. The main reason for this were the secondary market transactions, i.e. sales of land purchased in the last 5-6 years.
The deal between ELARG Agricultural Land and Romfarm was emblematic for the market in 2012 - the latter acquired about 180,000 decares of land at an average price of BGN 500 per dca.
Experts from the industry explain the boom in the purchase and sale of agricultural land with the fact that this is a market that is not affected by the crisis, but also brings a steady income. In 2003, the average price of land was BGN 145 per dca, but today it is BGN 440 per dca. If the last 10 years are reviewed, according to the data, the average price of land is steadily increasing, with the exception of 2009, when the average price decreased from BGN 350 per dca to BGN 300 per dca of agricultural land.
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Публикувана на 02/05/13 15:11 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/223435_A+boom+in+land+sales+in+Bulgaria+in+2012
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