02/27/11 18:45
Majority of Bulgarians support the construction of more ski resorts in Bulgaria

Mila Grigorova, Gallup International, exclusively for Klassa
Two thirds of Bulgarians think that it is profitable for Bulgaria to build new ski resorts. The data are from the latest nationally representative survey of BBSS Gallup International, commissioned by Klassa.
After the construction boom in the pre-crisis years, which seriously affected our old ski resorts like Bansko, Borovets and Pamporovo, many people started thinking that the expansion of the existing mountain resorts and construction of new ones in Bulgaria are inflicting significant damage to the nature.
Nevertheless, today the majority of Bulgarians (64%) believe that it would be profitable for our country that new resorts for mountain recreation and winter sports be constructed. One-fifth of Bulgarians, being rather conservative, are of the opinion that our country does not need to build new hotels and facilities.
Most supporters of the construction of new resorts for winter sports and recreation are found among people of 40 years of age as well as among representatives of middle and upper middle class of society and those leading modern lifestyle.
The reasons for the relatively strong support for the expansion of Bulgarian ski and snowboard facilities are rooted primarily in the economic benefits brought by this type of tourism to our country, especially in the situation of continued economic crisis. 80% of Bulgarians are of the opinion that ski resorts attract wealthy foreign tourists who infuse revenues into our economy.
The claim that the construction of new ski resorts would negatively affect the environment in our country is rather unpopular among Bulgarians. One third of respondents agree that new construction and the building of ski tracks in the mountains would damage our nature. The polled who disagree (42%) with this view are more. There are more ecologically minded Bulgarians among people over 55 years of age and among residents of small towns.
In general, young and economically active Bulgarians rather support the expansion of ski tourism in Bulgaria.
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Публикувана на 02/27/11 18:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/160674_Majority+of+Bulgarians+support+the+construction+of+more+ski+resorts+in+Bulgaria
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