02/05/13 16:30
Parliament launches a privatisation of VMZ-Sopot without a strategy
The exclusion from the list will allow the Agency for Privatisation and Post-Privatisation Control to launch immediately a privatisation procedure according to the general procedure provided by Bulgarian legislation. In this case, the Government and Agency's authorities will be responsible for the privatisation criteria.
Regarding the exclusion of VMZ-Sopot from the prohibitive list, Executive Director of the Agency for Privatisation and Post-Privatisation Control Emil Karanikolov explained that the current privatisation strategy was very good, but according to its criteria, only one candidate we will be allowed again, and if Parliament takes up a new strategy, this will take months. This would be a serious problem for all workers who have still not received their wages for several months now.
As of March 1, some 600 employees of VMZ-Sopot will be made redundant, Dimitar Atanasov of Podkrepa Trade Union told Focus Agency. He explained that, these days, all workers will take two weeks leave. During this time, it will be decided on the employees who will be made redundant. The methodology and criteria for the selection of these are ready. These include age, length of service, level of qualification, etc. It is not yet clear, however, employees of which departments will be made redundant, Atanasov said.
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Публикувана на 02/05/13 16:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/223448_Parliament+launches+a+privatisation+of+VMZ-Sopot+without+a+strategy
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