02/07/13 16:03
Angel Semerdjiev "gives" BGN 200 mln to EDCs
Former head of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) Angel Semerdjiev "donated" BGN 200 mln to electricity distribution companies (EDCs), independent MP Kiril Gumnerov announced in Parliament on Thursday. He sent an open letter to Minister of Economy and Energy, Delian Dobrev, asking for answers.According to Gumnerov's information, the "green energy charge", implemented by SEWRC, was returned to the bank accounts of EDCs.
"In one calendar year, this gift alone, made by SEWRC to electricity distribution companies, will bring no less than BGN 200 mln to their bank accounts," explained the deputy.
In the 6 months after the introduction of the "green energy charge", BGN 100 mln were received in these companies' accounts. Gumnerov was adamant that there is nothing bad about the introduction of the charge, if its profit remains in the State budget. According to the deputy, however, the money does not go to the State, but supplies the accounts of EDCs.
"What is this practice which makes it possible, by an order of a State authority, such as SEWRC, to take BGN 200 mln a year from certain private companies producing green energy and give these to other private companies," asked Kiril Gumnerov.
According to him, there are real suspicions of corruption. "Could it be that a certain percentage of that money has gone into Angel Semerdjiev's pocket," Gumnerov suspected.
Six months after the introduction of the "green energy charge", according to him, EDCs reported significant profits. In six months, Energo Pro reported a 33% profit growth, compared to the previous year. The profit for CEZ amounted to 240%. According to Gumnerov, this scheme "ignored national interests" and he hopes for a quick response from the Ministry of Economy.
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Публикувана на 02/07/13 16:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/223654_Angel+Semerdjiev+%22gives%22+BGN+200+mln+to+EDCs
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