10/30/12 17:34
Semerdjiev expects another electricity price rise
Semerdjiev underscored the fact that preferential renewable energy prices have not been altered so far and the decision to start charging power companies for the right to sell their energy to distributors is a way to make them, rather than consumers, assume the burden of additional costs electricity distribution utilities will incur through buying renewable energy at preferential prices. "According to our calculations, access charges made up for additional outlays this year. However, as of next year, these costs will have to be priced in and consumers will feel the increase," explained Semerdjiev. The head of SEWRC predicted that the greenhouse gas emissions Bulgarian power plants will have to purchase as of 2013 will have no significant effect on the consumer price of electricity. Till recently, one tonne of emissions traded for €7 and, now, it is nearly €9. "If the market value remains unchanged next year, it shouldn't affect the end price of electricity since it has already been priced in," Semerdjiev said.
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Публикувана на 10/30/12 17:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/214620_Semerdjiev+expects+another+electricity+price+rise+
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