02/14/13 15:25
SEWRC: Electricity prices may fall
"We need to review all contracts with TPP Maritsa 1 and TPP Maritsa 3 and see what can be done. Currently, I am waiting for the Prosecutor's Office to decide. Prosecutors will come to us on Thursday in order to start an investigation. I want to wait for their opinion," said Ivanova and promised that SEWRC will be absolutely transparent.
"People will be informed about how prices are formed. I cannot decide whether my ancestor was involved in a combination with someone. I will not hesitate, if there is information about corruption among members of the Commission, to dismiss whoever I should," promised Ivanova.
The inspection of electricity distribution companies (EDCs) will establish two things - the way of forming electricity prices and the way the privatisation of EDCs was carried out and whether all documents were enclosed, Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov said later, regarding the Prosecutor's Office's inspections into SEWRC. To date, all contracts for the privatisation of EDCs have been required, the inspection will include all the clauses, as well as whether these provisions are implemented in practice today, he explained.
Not only the way prices are formed is important, but what duties EDCs had during the privatisation process and what their current duties are, Tsatsarov said. The inspection for each EDC will start from the moment of privatisation of the company, the magistrate explained.
According to him, if the presence of negligence or malfeasance is discovered, this can lead to a demand for personal responsibility to be assumed.
The Agency for State Financial Control (ASFC) will inspect the three electricity distribution companies, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev said in turn.
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Публикувана на 02/14/13 15:25 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224280_SEWRC%3A+Electricity+prices+may+fall
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