06/29/11 16:51
Electricity prices to increase by 3%, gas - by 4.7%

The German power utility E. ON, which supplies electricity to Northeastern Bulgaria will raise the daily tariff of electricity by 1.92%, the night-time tariff – by 1.91%, and the average increase will be 1.92%. The Austrian EVN, supplying electricity to Southeastern Bulgaria, will increase the daily electricity prices by 1.90%, the night-time prices – by 1.95%, and the average hike will be 1.90%.
The daily tariff for customers of the Czech energy utility CEZ in Western Bulgaria will increase by 1.89% - from BGN 0.14437/kWh to BGN 0.14711/kWh, VAT excluded, and the night-time tariff will rise by 1.86%. The average increase will be 1.89%.
The price of natural gas will increase by 4.71% to BGN 557.22/1,000 cu m as of July 1, but added to the price rise as of April 1, the increase will become 9.39%. Central heating prices will be recalculated on the basis of this percentage.
Fees for central heating in Sofia will go up by 4.55%. The price of heating energy in Varna will increase by 8.84%, in Plovdiv – by 6.76%, in Burgas – by 5.54%, in Sliven – by 0.75%, in Gabrovo - by 0.94%, in Vratsa – by 0.53%, in Pernik – by 1.44%, in Russe - by 5.06%, and in Pleven – by 6.58%.
Only in Veliko Tarnovo the price of central heating will decrease - by 2.52%.
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Публикувана на 06/29/11 16:51 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/173600_Electricity+prices+to+increase+by+3%25%2C+gas+-+by+4.7%25
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