02/14/13 15:00
The tourism logo to be changed

I hope this is currently happening, since my request was made 10 days ago," explained Dobrev. He stressed that the companies which were given the task of creating the logo did their job because they fulfilled the contract.
"The contract stipulates that they must carry out certain activities and these activities were carried out," said Dobrev.
Regarding the new logo, the Minister said that if the product is not made in such a way that society will accept it and everybody will be proud of it, he will seek a way for a correction of the amount which was paid.
Meanwhile, the Project Manager for the development of the Bulgarian logo Professor Stoyan Zhelev said on bTV that 2,820 people liked the new Bulgarian tourism logo. However, a scandal was provoked because of its price and because it looks like the logo of Kyrgyzstan.
Professor Zhelev explained on bTV that, besides Bulgarian tour operators, there were also 120 Chinese and 100 foreign tour operators who liked the logo.
The Bulgarian logo was introduced in January and the logo of Kyrgyzstan, which is similar, was published as early as last September.
Anelia Genova, Director of the Marketing, Advertising and Tourism Information Department of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism (MEET), argued that the two logos are not alike.
"It was an open order which included not only the visual part but an entire system of strategies as well," she explained.
According to her, the materials related to the logo will be translated into 10 languages. The exact cost of the project is BGN 1.348 mln, and, according to Genova, the offer of Professor Zhelev and his team was neither the lowest, nor the highest pricewise.
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Публикувана на 02/14/13 15:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224278_The+tourism+logo+to+be+changed
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