02/20/13 16:31
Former economy minister Traicho Traikov: There are no reserves for cheaper electricity
“In order to increase the share of the Kozloduy NPP, the three thermoelectric power plants of Kovachki should be taken out. Maritsa Iztok 1 and Maritsa Iztok 3 have long-term contracts and cannot be taken out,” added Traikov.
“But if all the electricity from the Kozloduy NPP is included, the plant’s profit will fall drastically and the State will not be receiving BGN 150 mln in dividend. If this plan is activated, the industry will remain without cheap electricity,” explained Traikov.
The three plants that will be taken out of the energy mix will not be able to sell electricity on the open market. According to Traikov, this will be correct and moral in principle because their prices rose dramatically when they invested in FGD systems.
Traicho Traikov added that electricity in Bulgaria is three times cheaper than in the entire EU but the bills are still unaffordable to consumers.
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Публикувана на 02/20/13 16:31 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224748_Former+economy+minister+Traicho+Traikov%3A+There+are+no+reserves+for+cheaper+electricity
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