12/13/11 19:45
Borissov: It will be absurd to legalise illegal construction works

Yesterday, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov described as absurd one of the proposals of the business sector for improving Bulgaria's economic situation. He and the majority of Ministers participated in the traditional meeting of the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) government with representatives of leading companies in Bulgaria. Legalising illegal construction works, besides being economically disadvantageous, is immoral, commented the Prime Minister.
He announced firmly the intention of Bulgaria to participate in the Financial Stability Pact and the GERB government will rely on the support of all parliamentary parties. It would be good to show Europe that we are a united nation and that we are unanimous on this important issue, stated Borissov. Year after year, every political party has been destroying the foundations of Europe with promises that cannot be fulfilled. It sounds very well when you tell people that they will retire young and that the government will increase pensions but, at some point, we will run out of money. Countries with debts of 130-140% of GDP have lived on credit lines which they cannot afford, said Borissov.
We must appreciate the fact that our nation is disciplined. We set ourselves priorities which will now be included in the EU's Financial Stability Pact, stressed Borissov.The setting up of e-government is a priority for our nation. 2010 will be remembered by Minister Rosen Plevneliev as the successful year of implemented infrastructure projects, while 2011 is the year of Finance Minister Simeon Dyankov - the year of financial stability. 2012 should be the year of Economy Minister Traicho Traikov - the year of economic growth, commented the Prime Minister.
Finance Minister Simeon Djankov assured the representatives of the business sector that the low tax burden will be maintained. In response to a question whether the EU is heading towards higher taxes, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov noted that it is precisely the intervention in fiscal policy that the GERB Cabinet considers an interference in the sovereignty of individual states. We oppose any interference in our sovereignty, stated the Prime Minister.
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Публикувана на 12/13/11 19:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/189703_Borissov%3A+It+will+be+absurd+to+legalise+illegal+construction+works++
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