06/26/16 05:46
Ninth edition of the Cherry Holiday was officially opened in Kyustendil

Among the official guest of the event was the Mayor of district Kyustendil Petar Paunov, National ombudsman Maya Manolova, Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Kuneva, Deputy Minister of agriculture and food Vasil Grudev and the ambassadors of Egypt and Spain.
Ombudsman Maya Manolova said that cherry producers need help and she is ready to support them. She underlined that mostly small fruit producers in the region with 5 to 15 acres suffered from spring frostbites. Manolova pointed that the legislation is not perfect, because it protects big producers; however the small producers also have the opportunity to receive payments of damages. She also said that she is ready to initiate legal changes that will clearly regulate the protection of small producers of fruit and vegetables in such disastrous situations, in which their harvest is affected.
Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Kuneva indicated that there are three things that we can be proud of: the work of the people, education and science. Deputy Minister of agriculture and food Vasil Grudev commented that producers in District Kyustendil have proved that they are the best and the most qualitative cherry producers in the country. He also added that payments of damage will be made to all producers who suffered from subsidence.
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Публикувана на 06/26/16 05:46 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/269680_Ninth+edition+of+the+Cherry+Holiday+was+officially+opened+in+Kyustendil
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