02/18/13 17:57
Tomislav Donchev to take over as Finance Minister following Simeon Djankov's resignation

"I would like to thank Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and my colleagues in the Cabinet for the long hours we worked side by side and all the things we managed to achieve. But most of all, I'd like to thank all the experts at the Finance Ministry who helped Bulgaria return to financial health. I'll continue to assist in every way I can in the future", Djankov said in a statement, released by the Finance Ministry's Press Office.
The parliamentary group of GERB called a special press conference following the news of the Finance Minister's departure. "It's not fair to the nation as a whole, demanding the resignation of the Cabinet just four months ahead of already scheduled regular general elections. Do you think that's what the public really needs?" said Dimitar Glavchev, Vice Chairman of GERB's parliamentary group. The ruling party expressed its support for the Prime Minister's actions. GERB lawmakers say that Tomislav Donchev has proven himself more than qualified to manage the usage of EU funds, which were temporarily frozen during the previous coalition Government's term in office. Simeon Djankov's resignation was a personal choice, GERB officials added.
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Публикувана на 02/18/13 17:57 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224566_Tomislav+Donchev+to+take+over+as+Finance+Minister+following+Simeon+Djankov%27s+resignation+
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