05/07/12 18:32
Tomislav Donchev: We plan to negotiate more funds under the Operational Programmes

The Minister specified that our country had the right to contract funds by the end of 2013 and payments could be effected until 2015. The Government’s ambitions now are to negotiate nearly 90% of the entire financial resource and have all the funds contracted at the beginning of 2013. Regarding the plans for the next programming period, Donchev said that there were still disputes and debates within the EU and the legislative basis had not been prepared yet. According to him, the new regulations will probably be ready at the end of 2012. The possibility for basic investments will remain for Bulgaria, but the main focus will be on investments in innovation and small- and medium-sized enterprises and no less than one-fifth of the funds will be earmarked for projects in the social sphere.
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Публикувана на 05/07/12 18:32 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/203166_Tomislav+Donchev%3A+We+plan+to+negotiate+more+funds+under+the+Operational+Programmes+
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