02/17/11 18:16
Bulgaria expects up to 10% growth in revenues from the tourism sector

A positive growth of 5-10% in the tourism sector during the summer season was predicted by the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov at the inauguration of the International three-day Tourist Fair Holiday Spa Expo 2011 to be held at the NPC (National Palace of Culture). He also clarified that this referred mostly to the revenues of the sector. Tourism along with some other sectors of the economy, such as high and medium-technology industries, coped well with the crisis, commented the Minister. Last year, over a 5% increase in the number of tourists was registered in general. For the winter season, a positive growth within the range of 5-10% is anticipated, while for the summer season the expectations are similar, specified Traikov.
As regards the renewed request of the branch for postponing the VAT rate increase in the sector in October, the Minister said that this discussion had already passed. Thanks to the efforts of our Ministry, the initially drafted plans proved to be significantly more favourable for the branch than they could be expected, said Traicho Traikov. He added that the introduction of the new tax rate as of April 1 was within the possible limits.
The Minister also indicated that the new Tourism Draft Bill provides for the establishment of a National Tourism Organisation, which should be representative of the entire branch. It will join forces in taking all important decisions for the development of the tourism sector, businesses and government. Another aspect of the draft focuses on tourism regionalisation, while an option was envisaged for the districts to overlap with administrative ones.
I do absolutely not accept the fact that Bulgarian tourists are deprived of the opportunity to use tourism services at the prices offered to foreigners, retorted also Traikov. If there is a case in which a Bulgarian was refused to take advantage of conditions and terms being usually offered to foreigners, I would like to be informed about it since it is inadmissible, stated the Minister.
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Публикувана на 02/17/11 18:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/159598_Bulgaria+expects+up+to+10%25+growth+in+revenues+from+the+tourism+sector++
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