03/16/11 20:05
Fictitious companies drain millions of leva from NSSI

Fictitious companies with numerous pregnant and sick employees, rural vendors disposing of no stores, as well as retirees of enterprises which have never employed them are only part of detected fraudulent schemes for the draining of millions of leva from the National Social Security Institute (NSSI). This became clear yesterday after the working meeting of NSSI's management with representatives of the NRA (National Revenue Agency), the Executive Agency (EA) General Labour Inspectorate, the Chief Directorate Criminal Police, the NHIF (National Health Insurance Fund) and the Directorate Medical Audit with the Ministry of Health. "Only last year, the syphoning of about BGN 18 mln of the projected benefits through fictitious companies was prevented, as well as other kinds of frauds," reckoned NSSI Manager, Hristina Mitreva.
According to her, there are companies being set up solely to drain state revenues and they know the law perfectly well. Therefore, in 2010, legislative amendments were adopted in order to stop some of the possible frauds but institutions envisage further measures in order to tighten control. "For the first two months of the year, inspection bodies have carried out multiple inspections on detecting social security frauds and have discovered 1,206 cases of officials not working under labour contracts. Only in 10 working days, delayed salaries amounting to BGN 7 mln were paid," indicated the Head of the EA General Labour Inspectorate, Rumyana Mihailova. NSSI proposed to have a risk profile drawn up of companies managed by unscrupulous employers who delay the conclusion of labour contracts, as well as the payment of salaries or in cases when their employees have sick and maternity leaves too often. They will be listed in a special register.
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Публикувана на 03/16/11 20:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/162386_Fictitious+companies+drain+millions+of+leva+from+NSSI
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