06/24/12 16:49
The price of coffee from vending machines to increase by up to 60%

If this happens, there will be other negative consequences in addition to the price increase of the products sold by vending machines. The number of jobs in this business may drop by half. Some companies will go bankrupt, while others will reduce the number of their machines. All this will affect tax collection - much less proceeds will enter the NRA, the Bulgarian Vending Association forecast.
“The only people who will benefit are the producers of fiscal devices and mobile operators,” said Victor Tonev for the Management Board of the Bulgarian Vending Association.
According to data of the Bulgarian Vending Association, more than 1 million people use between 20,000 and 30,000 self-service vending machines in Bulgaria every day. The average monthly turnover from one machine is about BGN 250-300 and the profit is some 5-20% of this amount, or not more than BGN 60. On the basis of these calculations, the Bulgarian Vending Association proposes the introduction of an annual lump sum tax of BGN 100-120 per vending machine. Thus, the revenues to the Treasury will amount to around BGN 2,000,000-3,000,000 per year and there will be no need for the business to instal cash registers to the vending machines, which will be unprecedented in the world. Serious progress will be achieved if a single register of the devices is introduced, added the Bulgarian Vending Association.
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Публикувана на 06/24/12 16:49 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/207494_The+price+of+coffee+from+vending+machines+to+increase+by+up+to+60%25
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