03/28/11 15:14
Bulgaria National Reform Programme Focuses on Infrastructure

main factor for economic growth. The objective is not only to
come out of the crisis but to improve the environment for the
career of young people and for business, Deputy Finance Minister
Boryana Pencheva said. She was speaking at Monday's discussion
of the last working variant of Bulgaria's National Reform
Programme 2011-2015 held at the Council of Ministers. The
Finance Ministry should send the document, which comes in
implementation to the Europe 2020 strategy, to the European
Commission by April 30.
The European Commission defined five "narrow spots" before
economic growth in the EU. These are public finances, the
financial sector, the labour market, the business environment
and administrative efficiency, education and training systems.
Bulgaria does not consider the financial sector an obstacle
before economic growth, the National Reform Programme states.
The targets set in the programme include reaching a 76 per cent
employment rate amongst the population aged 20-64 by 2020;
investment of 1.5 per cent of GDP in innovation; achieving a 16
per cent share of renewable energy sources in the gross end
consumption of energy and raising energy efficiency to 25 per
cent by 2020; the share of school dropouts should be up to 11
per cent and the share of 30-34-year-olds with completed
secondary education should reach 36 per cent in 2020. The number
of people living in poverty should be reduced by 260,000.
The forecast for GDP growth in Bulgaria is 3.6 per cent for
2011, 4.1 per cent for 2012 and 4.4 per cent for 2013.
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Публикувана на 03/28/11 15:14 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/163594_Bulgaria+National+Reform+Programme+Focuses+on+Infrastructure
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