03/24/11 19:20
HR businesses should focus on talent hunting over the Internet

"Human Resources (HR) businesses should focus on talent hunting in the social networks because Facebook is part of the lifestyle of the younger generation," experts in human resources say. "Companies should not only restrict the use of Internet portals and chats of their employees via these networks, but they should also publish ads for free positions there," said yesterday Corinne Ripoll, Director of the Marketing and Sales Department, in charge of the emerging markets at Adecco, a company operating in the field of human resources. Apart from the famous social network, businesses should focus on Myspace, Twitter, Flixster and LinkedIn. "The younger generation is also more flexible and active. Such employees will gladly agree to work on projects in other countries as well. If a company is able to offer an appropriate package, not just a salary and housing, but a proper challenge, they would be glad to join," added Ripoll.
Temporary employment is another trend that has been noticed recently and will develop in the future. More and more people will be looking for work on projects for 3, 6 or 12 months, because of the freedom this opportunity offers. In this way, employees will be able to work whenever they want. Businesses, especially foreign companies, will also benefit from this practice because it provides flexibility for the implementation of short and medium-term projects and goals. "Employees in Bulgaria are expected to become more skilled until 2020. The unemployment rate is likely to decrease this year," said Georgi Georgiev, Regional Manager at Adecco Bulgaria.
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Публикувана на 03/24/11 19:20 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/163305_HR+businesses+should+focus+on+talent+hunting+over+the+Internet
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