04/12/11 19:18
Georgi Parvanov: The date of the elections will be set in a dialogue with the National Assembly

“The date of the elections will be set in a dialogue with the National Assembly,” President Georgi Parvanov said yesterday after consultations on the members of the Central Election Commission (CEC) at “Dondukov” 2 with parliamentary represented parties and coalitions and with parties and coalitions that have MEPs but are not represented in the National Assembly. The Head of State spoke with representatives of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria), Coalition for Bulgaria, MRF (Movement for Rights and Freedoms), the Ataka party, the Blue Coalition and NMSP (National Movement for Stability and Progress).
During the consultations, GERB confirmed its position that the first round of the local and presidential elections should be held on October 23.
“I hope for a dialogue. The presidential elections should be a priority because article 93 of the Constitution includes a provision setting the period when these should take place and this is not the case with the local election,” said Iskra Fidosova, Deputy Chairwoman of GERB’s parliamentary group. She explained that this is the earliest possible date. According to her, the expected run-off would be on October 30. Ataka party shared this view..
“We believe that the elections should be held not earlier than October 30 and the date for the run-off should be November 6. This is our centrist position, considering the extremities proposed by GERB and Coalition for Bulgaria. Field works would be over by October 30,” pointed out MRF’s Vice Chairman Lyutvi Mestan. According to him, the discussion of the dates for the autumn elections is too emotional.
The Blue Coalition said they preferred October 23, but would not object to October 30 either.
BSP’s representatives suggested a later date for the vote. According to Sergey Stanishev, the elections must be on November 13 and the run-off - on November 20. He described as manipulation Iskra Fidosova’s claims that the date October 23 is suitable because of the adoption of municipalities’ budgets.
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Публикувана на 04/12/11 19:18 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/165349_Georgi+Parvanov%3A+The+date+of+the+elections+will+be+set+in+a+dialogue+with+the+National+Assembly
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