02/26/12 19:20
NGOs: The price of medicines may decline if there is a political will

According to the Chairman of the National Patients' Organisation, Stanimir Hasardzhiev, two years ago the participants in the Public Health Council delivered proposals on prevention of the risks of disruption in the supply of drugs and increase in their prices, but they were not reflected in the drug policy of the country. Unfortunately, our forecasts for higher prices came true, concluded he.
In March last year, the Ministry of Health set up a working group to draft a drug policy concept, reminded Hasardzhiev. "Our work continued for more than three months. We came up with lots of suggestions, but our reports were not used. Why does Health Minister Konstantinov convene the same working team tomorrow," asked he rhetorically. According to the Chairman of the National Patients' Organisation, this meeting is only a PR policy.
"As of tomorrow, we will try to reduce the medicine prices and will discuss them with the pharmaceutical companies, which have already agreed to decrease the prices by 5 percent," commented Stanimir Hasardzhiev. He reminded that two years ago the Association of Research-based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Bulgaria signed the proposal of the National Health Insurance Fund for a 5% rediction of all medicinal products, covered by the Institution.
Plamen Taushanov, lawyer from the Bulgarian Association for Patients' Rights Defense, highlighted in his turn that the public opinion deviated its focus from crucial issues. According to him, the shares of all pharmaceutical manufacturing companies operating on the Bulgaria market, which is estimated at BGN 2 bn, should be analysed. The players on this market should be considered, as well as their activities and the real drug prices, recommended he.
Taushanov also insisted that the Commission for Protection of Competition should be approached with respect to all pharmaceutical companies operating at this segment of the Bulgarian market. In his words, the society needs to know what percentage of the medicine prices is covered by the Bulgarian patients out of their pockets and how this injustice could be repaired. The EU patients cover additionally 20% of the price of medicines, while we pay 56%, indicated Taushanov.
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Публикувана на 02/26/12 19:20 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196609_NGOs%3A+The+price+of+medicines+may+decline+if+there+is+a+political+will+
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