04/25/11 19:48
First arrest after the tragedy in Simeonovgrad

According to the initial data, Daniel Georgiev had 1.3 promilles of alcohol in his blood and was driving at high speed, probably exceeding 100 km/h, where the allowed speed is 50 km/h. The 23-year old driver has a driver's incense since January 31, 2011. The car hit the young people while they were heading for the church on Easter. Two girls and four boys aged between 17 and 19 years of age were killed. Janitsa Boycheva, Gosho Georgiev, Evgeny Grozev and Krassimir Markov were buried yesterday in the town of Simeonovgrad. Melin Zeid was entombed in the town of Haskovo on Sunday and Trifon Trifonov will be laid to rest in the town of Veliko Tarnovo.
Yesterday afternoon, the driver who caused the serious accident was hospitalised in the town of Plovdiv and was in critical state. Doctors said that they were not allowed to provide more information about his condition. Relatives of the boy were not allowed to see him. If Daniel Georgiev recovers, he will be held responsible for causing the death by negligence of more than two persons and may receive a prison sentence of 5 to 15 years.
A three-day mourning was announced in the town of Simeonovgrad on Sunday
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Публикувана на 04/25/11 19:48 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/166504_First+arrest+after+the+tragedy+in+Simeonovgrad
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