02/10/11 19:34
The European Commission expects Bulgaria to investigate the explosion in front of the editorial office of Galeria newspaper

An improvised device, containing 400 grams of TNT, exploded in front of the editorial office of the Galeria newspaper located in the building of Millennium Publishing House in 5:40 am in the morning. The explosive device was placed at the entrance of the building. The blast hit the windows of the surrounding buildings and caused material damage but housing buildings in the area are intact. The signal was reported to the police by residents in the area who felt the detonation. During the explosion, only a guard was in the building who miraculously survived after the broken door flew a few meters away from him. A total of 30 officers from SDIA (Sofia Directorate of Internal Affairs), from SDOTO (Specialized Directorate Operational Technical Operations) and the fire –brigade were sent at the spot of the accident. The area was closed off and police officers did not let anyone go near the damaged building.
President Georgi Parvanov and Prime Minister Boyko Borissov commented on the bomb accident in front of the weekly newspaper.
"In principle, the development of crime is one of the main threats to security. I am seriously troubled by the fact that there is no respect for the Ministry of Interior and that we could see the restoration of such acts of revenge similar to those we witnessed in the 1990s. Everyone thinks that this practice is long gone," said Georgi Parvanov. The President added that an overview of the options to counter such events was needed and that this may happen at the upcoming Consultative Council on National Security.
"I am glad that at least it was professionally done and there were no human victims. At the same time, the fact that this happens when the EU Commissioners arrive does not bother me at all since everyone in Europe is aware in what state the country was when we took office, with what level of organized crime and corruption we had to deal, and what we did during those months and years," commented Boyko Borissov on the blast accident in front of the newspaper's editorial office.
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Публикувана на 02/10/11 19:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/158778_The+European+Commission+expects+Bulgaria+to+investigate+the+explosion+in+front+of+the+editorial+office+of+Galeria+newspaper
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