04/28/11 19:00
Krumovgrad to protest against gold mining

Although Dundee gave up the cyanide technology for extraction, people do not approve of the new method either because it involves the use of explosives, requiring 7,000 kg of blasting compound to be used each time. The State will not benefit from the concession either because the gold deposit there has been evaluated at BGN 7-10 bn, while the concession fee Bulgaria will receive will be between 1.44% and 4% a year, depending on the prices at the London Gold Exchange, experts claim.
The Regional Environmental Inspectorate in the town of Haskovo started an inspection of the Kardzhali-based lead and zinc works after a signal that lead production was resumed only days after it had been stopped. The results from the inspection will be announced today. The owner of the enterprise Valentin Zahariev flatly denied to Klassa the allegations that lead production had been resumed. "The plant is trying to restore its self-monitoring system in order to prove that there is another pollutant in the region. In many other towns such as Plovdiv, Sliven, and Dimitrovgrad, the same technologies is used and, in my opinion, a double standard is being applied," he said.
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Публикувана на 04/28/11 19:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/166911_Krumovgrad+to+protest+against+gold+mining
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