06/08/11 19:19
No more delays with the Nabucco pipeline

Mitschek is in the Turkish city of Kayseri to attend the signing ceremony of the agreements for political support on the part of all transit countries - Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria.
Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov will sign the document on the Bulgarian side. "Now we demonstrate our support and our firm belief that the project will be implemented," said Traikov after the sealing of the document. He emphasised again the role of the new pipeline in ensuring energy security and diversification of the energy supplies in Europe.
The agreements for support of the project are bilateral treaties between the Nabucco companies - and the governments of each of the transit countries. The establishment of a favourable regulatory regime for transit under the EU and Turkish legislation, the protection of Nabucco from potentially discriminatory legislation and legal and administrative support for the further implementation of the project, were the key elements stipulated in the documents, signed yesterday.
Reinhard Mitschek, Head of the project company said that he saw no reason for revision of the project price of €7.9 bn, but calculations were underway. He described as speculative the statements that the pipeline would cost around €15 bn.
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Публикувана на 06/08/11 19:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/171350_No+more+delays+with+the+Nabucco+pipeline
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