06/20/11 19:52
Rosatom opposes the delay in the negotiations on Belene NPP
According to Kommersant sources, the preliminary financial analysis of the project has already been finished by the consultant HSBC Bank and there is no reason for such a delay. This information was confirmed to Klassa by Bogomil Manchev, whose company Risk Engineering is one of the subcontractors in the Belene NPP project. Vladimir Karolev, representative of HSBC in Bulgaria, specified that probably by the end of August it would be clear whether the Belene NPP project was economically justified. According to Karolev, HSBC Bank was still drafting the necessary analyses.
“It is high time that the price of nuclear energy in Bulgaria was brought to light, including all costs that now remain hidden, such as the costs for storage of the used nuclear fuel and its transport, as well as the costs for dismantling of the old equipment from the decommissioned nuclear units,” Helge Tolksdorf, Director of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in Berlin, stated yesterday at a conference on power engineering and climate change, quoted by BTA. He added that the price of electricity from the Kozloduy NPP is low because the additional costs of the power plant are not calculated in it but they are eventually paid by the citizens. “Bulgaria should improve its energy efficiency and the generation of green energy must be a priority,” stated Bertram Rollman, President of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
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Публикувана на 06/20/11 19:52 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/172641_Rosatom+opposes+the+delay+in+the+negotiations+on+Belene+NPP
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