06/18/12 18:19
Tsvetan Tsvetanov: I have nothing to do with the conversation of Lubomir Pavlov

Pavlov argues in the conversation that it depends on Tsvetanov "who will remain in the Prosecution, who will be promoted and who will have to leave! You know that, now, the election of the Supreme Judicial Council is underway. He determines their professional careers. The election of a Prosecutor General is forthcoming. They will change the law now in order for the Prosecutor General to be elected earlier," continued Pavlov.
"This is a conversation between two people which we later read in the media. Do you think that this is likely to happen in today’s conditions? If I had this option and this power, Bulgarian citizens would be much more satisfied with the judicial system. But because of the separation of powers and due to the fact that the judiciary is independent, and it continues to be independent, this does not mean that we cannot talk about the problems there," added Tsvetanov.
Ivan Kostov, leader of the Democrats for Strong Bulgaria, also commented on the conversation. "The most worrying issue in the conversation, recorded as being that of Lubomir Pavlov, is that he says that he has paid off the amount due," said Kostov. „From his words, it becomes clear that he has paid Tsvetanov, GERB and this is the most disturbing fact. This indicates a rough interference on the part of GERB via Tsvetanov in judiciary affairs. How can a person with criminal charges know what will be decided by the parliamentary group of GERB, say who will and who will not become Prosecutor General. How is it possible for such a man to know such things? This is evidence of an extraordinary political scandal that took a wrong turn – whether Tsvetanov is guilty or not, whether the record is authentic or not," said Ivan Kostov.
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Публикувана на 06/18/12 18:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/207102_Tsvetan+Tsvetanov%3A+I+have+nothing+to+do+with+the+conversation+of++Lubomir+Pavlov
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