06/15/11 19:50
The Cabinet starts developing the e-government system anew

"We are starting a new EU-funded development of the e-government service system," stated yesterday, the Deputy PM, Simeon Djankov at the meeting with representatives of the ICT industry (Information and Communication Technology). According to expert assessments, so far around BGN 500 mln have been spent, but there is not a single completed online service system (OSS). Currently, more than two thirds of the e-Government services are at their initial stage of development. The first egov.bg website provides only information rather than the option for online servicing.
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, who is responsible for the administrative reform, stated also that so far many promises had been made, but nothing was actually implemented. This was also a referral to the former Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Alexandar Tsvetkov, whose resignation was demanded as a result. "During the rule of the tripartite coalition, there was a special Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform, which was so ineffective that it was not even able to use the EU funds it could have had. This is somewhat better since now we have the chance to start everything from scratch without being encumbered by the inefficient absorption," said also Djankov. In the Minister's words, the EU funds were not spent, but a lot of resources from the budget proceeds were utilized. "In fact, much money were wasted on programmes that were not implemented or were just halfway designed and afterwards abandoned. In both cases, however, they were not utilised," added Djankov.
He announced that currently, two projects were being drawn up that would be part of the e-government. The first one worth BGN18 mln refers to the development of and administrative electronic servicing.
The second project which was approved last week, pertains to the improvement of administrative online servicing of users. Its value is BGN 12 mln and the implementation deadline was set at the end of 2013.
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Публикувана на 06/15/11 19:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/172147_The+Cabinet+starts+developing+the+e-government+system+anew
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