06/30/11 19:27
The launching of the Specialised Court postponed for January 1, 2012

"The overhaul of the building, the training of magistrates and especially the selection of regular prosecutors and judges should be carried out under normal conditions and not in haste," substantiated his motives for the adjourment Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Internal Security and Public Order, Krasimir Tsipov. "We considered the proposal of the Prosecutor General," clarified he.
In his words, the magistrates should be trained to deal with cases against organized crime. Besides, the repairs of the building should be finished first before any work begins there.
Shortly before GERB issued its decision, Boris Velchev requested again the launching of the Specialised Court to be postponed. Furthermore, he said that a week ago he had referred the matter to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice.
"The prosecutors in the future Specialised Prosecution should be further qualified," declared he emphatically after the meeting of the Supreme Judicial Council, which selected both Heads of the Specialised Prosecutions.
Borislav Sarafov and Svetlozar Kostov were the absolute front-runners because of the absence of other applicants. In his words, however, the candidates for regular prosecutors were mostly former cadres of the district prosecutor's offices. "The district prosecutions do not have the jurisdiction to tackle cases of organized crime. It is impossible for our colleagues to have accumulated there any practical experience in this complex matter," added he, admitting that he had hoped for a different professional profile of the applicants.
The specifics of their work in the Specialised Court will be to hear cases of crimes on the territory of the entire country, not of a particular district.
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Публикувана на 06/30/11 19:27 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/173753_The+launching+of+the+Specialised+Court+postponed+for+January+1%2C+2012
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