02/21/12 20:15
Department of delayed court cases to be set up under the umbrella of the SJC Inspectorate

The Ministry of Justice is discussing the setting up of a department under the umbrella of the Supreme Judicial Council Inspectorate (SJCI), which should monitor the delayed cases for which Bulgaria was sentenced in the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights, stated the Deputy Minister of Justice, Denitsa Valkova-Petkova at the presentation of the report of the SJCI for its first term in office from 2008 to 2012. The department should comply with the recommendations of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the cases of delayed proceedings, explained Petkova. She added that they must respond promptly to the expectations of the European Court. In this way, our country will be able to determine whether there are violations, specified the Deputy Justice Minister.
"If this model is efficient, we could think of other options to cover all other violations established by the European Court of Human Rights," stated Valkova.
The Deputy Justice Minister pointed out that she expected, by the end of March, for the Ministry to be able to propose an amendment to the Judicial System Act, which will legalise the setting up of this department.
Currently, a working group is discussing the rules for appointment of inspectors and, by the end of next month, the Justice Ministry will submit to the Council of Ministers a proposal, which will stipulate very clear rules for the selection of inspectors with the SJCI, clarified Denitsa Petkova.
The SJCI Chief Inspector, Anna Karaivanova, indicated in her analysis that, following the setting up of the Inspectorate, the number of proposals for the instigation of disciplinary proceedings increased. The total number of disciplinary proceedings instigated by the Minister of Justice over the last 10 years from 1998 to 2007 reached 7, while, in the period of 4 years since its establishment, the SJCI has proposed the launching of 78 disciplinary proceedings.
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Публикувана на 02/21/12 20:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196169_Department+of+delayed+court+cases+to+be+set+up+under+the+umbrella+of+the+SJC+Inspectorate+
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