07/05/11 19:24
Dunarit JSC sentenced by SCC to pay compensations to heirs
The Supreme Court of Cassation (SCC) set a dangerous precedent with two contradictory rulings (dated June 4, 2010 and April 8, 2011) on a case regarding restitution claims, obliging the Russe-based Dunarit JSC to pay compensations to three heirs and nothing to the fourth one. This became clear from documents in possession of Klassa daily. As a result of SCC’s ruling dated April 8, 2011, Dunarit JSC must once again pay BGN 35,000 to the three heirs for the 59 dca of restituted land and nine buildings in the production yard of the enterprise. With another ruling, dated June 4, 2010, however, the SCC refused such a compensation to the fourth heir.It is a curious fact though that the four heirs of the restituted property have been suing Dunarit for more than 15 years and the enterprise has so far paid over BGN 100,000 in compensation to the heirs who refused to specify their properties in 2003 and use the crumbling buildings. The reason is that they are being paid for properties which they do not take care of. Thus, “thanks” to SCC’s decision dated April 8, 2011, at a time of economic crisis, the enterprise is forced to pay people with restitution claims who do not take care of their property.
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Публикувана на 07/05/11 19:24 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174192_Dunarit+JSC+sentenced+by+SCC+to+pay+compensations+to+heirs
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