07/05/11 18:49
Greek and Romanian companies transfer operations to Bulgaria because of the crisis

"The uncertain economic environment and continuing protests forced Greek businessmen to set up businesses in our country," said for Klassa Kamen Kolev, Vice President of the Bulgarian Industrial Association. According to him, the companies’ transfer is proof of the security of the business environment in Bulgaria. “In terms of red tape, corruption and business regulations, our country is comparable with our southern neighbour,” said Kolev. According to the Hellenic Business Council in Bulgaria, Greek companies currently employ a total of 82,000 people in Bulgaria.
Some of the registered companies are small enterprises buying property or cars, but the ones which have real business activities are numerous. The number of Greek companies transferred to our country is expected to increase by the end of 2011. Meanwhile, companies with entirely Romanian capital which have filed corporate income tax statements for 2010 has increased 8.2 times, compared to 2006, marking a 700% growth, showed NRA statistics. Experts from the Revenue Agency reported that a total of 272 companies with 100% Romanian participation have filed corporate income tax statements in 2010, while in 2006 they were merely 33.
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Публикувана на 07/05/11 18:49 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174188_Greek+and+Romanian+companies+transfer+operations+to+Bulgaria+because+of+the+crisis
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