08/08/11 15:34
Industry grows just by 2.2% growth, the lowest since the beginning of the year

The statistics are slightly better on an annual basis, however, since in June, the IPI rose by 2.2% over the corresponding month of 2010. This is the slowest annual growth recorded since the beginning of the year. In May, the increase was much more substantial - by 7.8%, compared to May 2010; in April it reached 9.4%, and in March - 5.1%. In February 2011, the IPI increased by 15.2% over the corresponding month of 2010 and in January - by 9.3%, according to a report of Klassa based on NSI data.
In June, a rise in the industrial production in the processing industry was reported - by 4.5%, while a decrease was noted in the mining industry - by 5.4% and in the production and distribution of electricity, heat and gas - by 2.8%, on an annual basis.
In June, the decline in the turnover of the retail trade and construction output continued on annual basis, by 0.8%, and 2.6% respectively. In June 2011, the decrease in the construction output was mainly determined by the negative growth in the construction of civil engineering works where the recorded decline was 21.5%, while the output of the construction of buildings was down by 4.4%, reported by the NSI.
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Публикувана на 08/08/11 15:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/177335_Industry+grows+just+by+2.2%25+growth%2C+the+lowest+since+the+beginning+of+the+year+
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