07/12/11 18:01
Public procurement tender for linking the Customs and NRA is underway

“The information system between the NRA and the Customs will intersect fraud and the evasion of taxes and excise duties on deals in fuels,” NRA’s Head Krassimir Stefanov commented on the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) this morning. The software will connect the NRA with the warehouses under customs control. According to Stefanov, tax authorities will get in this way full and timely information about the movement of all quantities of fuel throughout the country. Meanwhile, PM Boyko Borissov had assigned the Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov to check into VAT frauds and the report has already been summarised. Stefanov stated that the NRA had not put up an umbrella over anyone and incumbent politicians and a deputy prime minister were being investigated. Let us remind our readers that before assuming office as Finance Minister, Simeon Djankov said that the establishment of a connection between the two systems would be one of his first tasks.
“By June 30, 2011, the NRA and the Customs Agency had collected BGN 6.1 bn, up by BGN 422 mln, compared to the same period last year,” specified Stefanov. The NRA will begin inspecting 164,000 labour contracts for part-time employment. The inspections will be conducted jointly with the Chief Labour Inspectorate and will cover the entire country,” Stefanov added.
Some 330 cash registers per hour should be connected to NRA’s information system in order to meet the deadline March 31, 2012 when all cash registers should have a remote connection with the NRA, the revenue agency explained.
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Публикувана на 07/12/11 18:01 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174881_Public+procurement+tender+for+linking+the+Customs+and+NRA+is+underway
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