07/14/11 18:49
Diplomats - former agents of the State Security Service without access to senior positions

According to Mladenov, "no one is attached to the post which he/she currently occupies for ever, and there is enough work for all." The restrictions will affect merely 30-40 people, who will be reassigned to other positions. The Minister of Foreign Affairs added that one of the advantages provided by the bill was that it will create opportunities for faster career development of young people at the MFA.
The text, adopted in Parliament, stated: "The Minister of Foreign Affairs must recall diplomats, who occupy public positions in the MFA, and were associates of the State Security / DS / and the Intelligence Services and the Bulgarian People's Army."
The Leader of Coalition for Bulgaria, Sergei Stanishev, stated for the Parliamentary reporters that he expected the President to veto the amendments to the Diplomatic Service Law. Furthermore, Stanishev added that the Left-wing parties were ready to challenge the texts before the Constitutional Court as these had a clear lustrative character.
According to the Coalition for Bulgaria, the large-scale sale of Bulgarian property abroad - in Greece, Holland, Germany, and in several Latin American countries - is being prepared during the term in office of Minister Nickolay Mladenov.
In the indirect exchange of remarks, Minister Nickolay Mladenov assured that he was managing well the State's property abroad, which GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) found was in a catastrophic state.
“Left-wing leaders should be cautious with their public statements because they are responsible for the irresponsible management of State-owned assets in Bulgaria in general, and for these properties in particular,” stated Nickolay Mladenov.
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Публикувана на 07/14/11 18:49 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/175190_Diplomats+-+former+agents+of+the+State+Security+Service+without+access+to+senior+positions+
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